Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Attention Francophones

The Grand Larousse en Cinq Volumes is now available online and for free. Be sure to check it out.

Non-francophones beware: the entire site is in French, so soyez prĂȘts de faire vos recherches en français.

Bonnes continuations,
Melissa Randall
Reference & Catalog Librarian

Monday, July 13, 2009

Cirulating Collection Inventory

During the summer, the Blakley Library will be doing an inventory of the entire circulating collection. This process helps us locate lost materials, find any items that have been mishelved, and ensure that materials are easily located.

If you're in the circulating stacks this summer and see a card indicating that the inventory is being done in that area, please be mindful not to move the card from that location. Otherwise, our statistics will not be accurate.

If you have questions, please ask at the circulating desk.

Cherie Hohertz
Access Services Librarian